viernes, 17 de abril de 2015


Today I want to talk about my summer and the incredible experience that I lived with my sister of another mother, Fernanda.

To began I have to say that we wait all year to slip away Santiago and go backpacking to the south of Chile. To the beginning we were waiting to travel a lot of time, but finally we decide to go only two weeks, the best two weeks of my life.

The expectations were enormous and the emotions really intense, the trip began and from the first moment everything was a constant benediction, every people, every second,  every place, were amazing.

All my life the south has mean a special place, and after this summer I decided that  I found my place in the worldit. Simply there I feel free, incredibly lucky, happy and alive. I glide to return whenever it is possible during the year, and when it finishes the university, return and remain there forever.

viernes, 10 de abril de 2015

My Auto Biography

My name is Paula Campos Aguiló, I`m 18 years old, I was born in Santiago, at Clìnica Santa María, Providencia. I have live and grew in the commune of Ñuñoa, after 8 years my parents decided  to change house and to go away to Calera de Tango. In spite of going away to live, i continue my studies in my college of the whole life, Universitario Inglés. In that place i knew my best friends and the best persons in the world. Between these persons the must important was my basquetball´s teacher, Pamela Ortiz. She learns me about basquetball and life, and I will always been grateful of having found her in my way. After school I began to study Sociology at Universidad de Chile, and here I am at english class waiting to go to the pastures.