viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015

This picture was taken by me in the summer, it capture one of the last days of my trip for the magnificent south of Chile, after thirteen days was the perfect late afternoon to conclude everything. The place is Lican Ray in the ninth region, it was an unforgettable experience with best persons in the world, there I met a really special guy, very handsome, really smart and lovely, we fell in love at the beach, we shared a lot of beautiful experiences there and I only hope that we could go back to that place and that moments.

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015

Sociologist as an Artist 

I really think that social scientists in general possess the aptitude to portray the society, in my opinion the sociologist in especial, by means of their analysis, can detect the main problems that configure the reality.

The important thing is not to leave this portrait as a pretty photography that is capable of catching everything what happens, but from it to be capable of imagining something different and of re-forming the scene in pursuit of better things.

So the mission is not to be a very good analyst and thinker, we have to go beyond, to do of the thought, action, to change, to renovate and create, as an artist.