viernes, 31 de julio de 2015

Hello to all for last time, I address you on this occasion with the intention of doing an inventory and evaluation of this method of learning and in addition to report my experience.

First I think it is necessary to express the most important impression  that I take to myself after these months of work, and it is related with how hard it was week after week to face a blank page and the need to translate some idea there. I relate this difficulty immediately to the fact of being day after day victims of methods of learning who are not orientated to develop in us the creative capacities and of spontaneity that we all possess in a beginning, , but that little by little with the years meets displaced by this another type of requirements that bring us over to repeating and memorizing without space to developing nothing.

It is for this that I see in this type of works and evaluations a good opportunity to grant this so necessary space to the ideas and to the free development of them, for the same thing I do a very good evaluation of the experience and recognize in her an important advance in what it was seeking to develop. 

So finally, I reaffirm for the same the idea of that the best learning is the one that develops freely.

viernes, 24 de julio de 2015

My unic big dream 

Today I will speak about my unic dream  in the life, for moment, this one is to live for the freedom at all time, I understand  this one as a Utopia to expiring and to doing life to every instant, since I get up until I go to bed, it is a thing of action, thought and constant questioning. 

I think, and overcoat, feel this largely due to the fact that I understood how little we act at liberty daily, and how little we dare to break with this later even of having fallen down in account of the same thing.

Fort the same, after a long time thinking about this thing, I decided to take charge of this immense internal inconvenience and to take some decisions, at the first place I am going to have time myself to take a recess in my life, this carries to leave the university for a time, probably more than a time, I don't know. And then to leave my house and my family, to move Valparaíso and start a new life there, with only an aim in mind: to experience the sensation of being doing all the things for me same. 

Probably it is not a bieg deal, but I will be advancing definitively one more step in my Utopian way

viernes, 17 de julio de 2015

ThE cIrCuS wAy

During the strike I had the opportunity to interfere a bit more in the circus world.

For things of the life I could share pleasing moments with different prominent figures who belong to this magnificent circle, they spoke to me about his experience living as street artists, of the disadvantages and many advantages that imply living circus every day.

For a time to this part for some reason that I do not know, but that maybe I feel very inside me, I have felt deeply attracted by all the disciplines  that allow you to see the world from another perspective, of a form as simple as the one that is obtained using the body of slightly conventional forms, for example, the persons detain in the semaphores as any thing, for them it is a scene, platform to make the art visible, all the people walk with their feet , they do it with your hands, they give turn the space and they enjoy it

In short, the people of the circus life are all amazing people , for daring to go out every day with courage and a smile from ear to ear to show their work and achieve make everyday life a place less gray.

With love for my friends of "La otra murga"

sábado, 11 de julio de 2015

Pedro Lemebel

Pedro Segundo Mardones Lemebel was born in Santiago 21 November 19521 and then to devote his life to the arts, as a writer, historian and artist, sadly died during the summer of this year in Santiago, precisely on January 23.

He was a man without outspoken, frank and direct as very few people, tried in his writings the various issues that find shelter in the middle of the Chilean marginality, besides his homosexual and contrary to state literature so caracteristic.

It is precisely for this reason that caused such a stir in me, it is not very common to find honesty, frankness and courage are worth gold, and this man left over until his last days.

No necesito disfraz
Aquí está mi cara
Hablo por mi diferencia
Defiendo lo que soy
Y no soy tan raro
Me apesta la injusticia

Teaching career

For nobody it is a secret that the Chilean education is in crisis for several years already, one of so many factors that affect in this one " falling to pieces " of the education are the critical working conditions to which our teachers have been exposed.  

It is for this reason that it is urgent and necessary a teaching career to take care to do justice to the thousands of professionals nobles who choose to devote their lives to the integral formation of the seeds of the future.

I really hope that this time the legitimate desires that have been expressed by the educational movement during these last months do not meet threatened, once again, for the interests of a few people, to finally settle this infinite debt that we keep with all these wonderful people who are, in many cases, masters and examples of life.