viernes, 24 de julio de 2015

My unic big dream 

Today I will speak about my unic dream  in the life, for moment, this one is to live for the freedom at all time, I understand  this one as a Utopia to expiring and to doing life to every instant, since I get up until I go to bed, it is a thing of action, thought and constant questioning. 

I think, and overcoat, feel this largely due to the fact that I understood how little we act at liberty daily, and how little we dare to break with this later even of having fallen down in account of the same thing.

Fort the same, after a long time thinking about this thing, I decided to take charge of this immense internal inconvenience and to take some decisions, at the first place I am going to have time myself to take a recess in my life, this carries to leave the university for a time, probably more than a time, I don't know. And then to leave my house and my family, to move Valparaíso and start a new life there, with only an aim in mind: to experience the sensation of being doing all the things for me same. 

Probably it is not a bieg deal, but I will be advancing definitively one more step in my Utopian way

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